

发布时间: 2024-05-17 07:23:52北京青年报社官方账号





As a deputy to the National People's Congress, Li submitted a suggestion to amend the Criminal Law at the annual session of the top legislature in Beijing in March. Under that suggestion, it would be a criminal offense to fraudulently take possession of another's property in the name of a private loan.


As an ancient Chinese saying goes, "when granaries are full, people will know propriety and moderation." A society can be stable and orderly only when its people can lead a prosperous life. After the introduction of the reform and opening up policy in 1978, China achieved fast economic growth and significant scientific and technological progress. It has become the world's second largest economy, with its per-capita GDP has doubled and redoubled many times over the four decades. In the meantime, the Chinese government has taken various measures such as those to fight corruption, reduce poverty and promote the rule of law, in order to uphold social equity. Thanks to these efforts, the potential factors that might destabilize society have been greatly reduced.


As a native of Hefei, I used to feel a little ashamed that I had never visited the Lord Bao Park before. I knew of its existence, but it never occurred to me that I should visit it and try to understand the story of my fellow countryman Bao Zheng who lived in the Song Dynasty (960-1279).


As a matter of fact, there have been more than 20 lawmakers of the US Congress disqualified for violating related rules, the spokesperson said, criticizing the double standards and hypocrisy of the United States.


As for me, I decided?to listen to my own inner stylist. A second opinion is great but style is all about free expression and I had to let my quirky fashion flag fly.


